Many ways to Host a Murder!

Murder Mysteries are great for Dinner Theaters

Murder Mystery Events are so much fun and Let Us Enter Train You and Entourage Entertainment offer you so many variations of the entertainment! You can have a dinner theater mystery party, a cocktail mystery party, a scavenger hunt mystery party or a smaller version in-home mystery party.  There are so many options to choose from and all of them are chock full of mystery, murder and mayhem.  They are also really comedic too! It’s a good time had by all, whether it’s for a Company Dinner or an Ice-Breaker Cocktail Party, a Fundraiser, or just a fun party you can’t go wrong with this very intriguing entertainment!


 Let Us Enter Train You is the number one provider of Murder Mysteries in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and the surrounding states. We provide you and your guests with a Murder Mystery event that will leave them asking for another one. We strive in having the best, laugh out loud Murder Mysteries around. We travel to you, no matter where you’re located on the East Coast, whether it be Pennsylvania or Virginia. When searching for the best provide of Murder Mysteries pick Let Us Enter Train You for you will definitely be entertained!